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Aperçu de l'article "How the Islands of Tahiti are reclaiming their cuisine"

In a recently published article, the travel and tourism information website highlighted the rich culinary heritage of Fenua.

Despite its isolated location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Tahitian cuisine has long been subject to significant foreign influence. However, over the years, local chefs and food enthusiasts have been making efforts to reclaim their traditional cuisine.

“What is Tahitian food today? It’s taking ownership, finally, of our cuisine, our culture, our identity, and not having somebody else represent us anymore.”

Read the BBC Travel article

This article highlights Tahitian chefs’ desire to sublimate local ingredients in their menus, such as uru (fruit of the breadfruit tree), lagoon fish and vanilla. It’s a movement that obviously helps to showcase the diversity of Fenua’s flavors. By collaborating with local farmers and fishermen, the chefs promote sustainable, eco-responsible practices and also guarantee the use of quality products in their dishes.

Chefs de Tahiti is proud to participate in the promotion of local gastronomy, through the images that illustrate the article on the renowned news website.

Mauruuru BBC Travel !