The Mai Tai is a Hawaiian cocktail created in the 1940s by Victor Bergeron, also known as Trader Vic. It was invented in Trader Vic’s bar in Oakland, California, USA.
The story goes that Trader Vic had some Hawaiian friends visiting and wanted to treat them to a special cocktail. He then mixed amber rum, fresh lime juice, orange curaçao, orgeat syrup and grenadine, and served the result in a traditional Hawaiian cocktail glass called a “tiki”. When one of his friends tasted the cocktail, he shouted “Mai Tai! Mai Tai!” which means “the best” in Hawaiian.
Since then, Mai Tai has become one of the most popular cocktails of all time. It’s often associated with Hawaiian culture, but in French Polynesia it’s taken on a whole new meaning!
Ingredients for 2 people
- 6cl white rum and 6cl amber rum
- 4 cl triple sec (Grand Marnier)
- 2 cl cane sugar syrup
- 6 cl lime juice
- 2 cl orgeat syrup
- 2 maraschino cherries
- Ice cubes
- 1 glass of your choice
- 1 shaker
- Put all the ingredients in the shaker and shake well.
- Serve in a tulip-shaped glass filled with ice.
- Finish with a cherry and a few mint leaves.