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Were you expecting them ?  Shrimps are back in your stores.  For the occasion, Chefs de Tahiti brings you its recipe for shrimp curry with coconut milk; This preparation is made for 2 people, so you’ll just need to adjust the doses to suit the number of guests at the table.


  • 500 g shrimps

  • 1 red onion

  • 3 garlic cloves

  • Fresh ginger

  • 1 tomato

  • Curry powder

  • Garam masala

  • Coconut milk

  • Olive oil

  • Fleur de sel

  • Black pepper


Finely chop the onion and garlic and grate a piece of fresh ginger. Then dice your tomato and set aside in a bowl.

In a hot pan with a little olive oil, add a generous pinch of curry powder and a pinch of garam masala. Stir lightly to bring out the aromas.

Add the onions, garlic, ginger and diced tomato to the pan, then simmer for a few minutes to allow the flavors to blend.

Remove the pan from the heat and reserve the mixture in another container. In the same hot skillet, brown the shrimp until golden brown.

Put the first preparation (onion, garlic, ginger, tomato and spices) back into the pan with your shrimp and simmer until all the ingredients blend well.

Now it’s time to gently pour in your coconut milk to create a creamy, smooth sauce. Season with a pinch of fleur de sel and black pepper, to taste, and simmer briefly to thicken the sauce.

Serve hot and enjoy your coconut milk curry shrimp with your favorite accompaniment. Of course, we recommend a small bowl of hot rice and a handful of green beans.

Tama’a maita’i

Chefs de Tahiti Tips

What makes this recipe authentic is undoubtedly the touch of coconut milk that gives it its unique flavor. If you have coconuts on hand, feel free to grate a little more to add freshly grated coconut to your dishes. Count 2 to 3 grated coconuts for the quantity of coconut milk needed in a recipe.

On the other hand, if you’re short on time, our local producers offer excellent coconut milks in store. Some are fresh, so be sure to check the date of manufacture, while others are pasteurized and just as delicious. It’s true that some pasteurized coconut milks can thicken and become less liquid when chilled, but this has no bearing on this recipe. When you add them to your hot mixture, they will dissolve and naturally return to their liquid texture. Note that pasteurized coconut milk can sometimes be creamier and tastier than fresh milk.

An exceptional condiment that goes perfectly with curry-based dishes is chutney. Originating in India, chutney is a sweet and sour sauce made from fruit or vegetables blended with spices, herbs, vinegar and sugar. Chutney offers a sweet, spicy and truly original flavor.

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